Join us to connect with over 150 employers and get access to youth resources at this free event. You’ll find job placement opportunities, career development workshops, free food, live performances, raffles, giveaways, games, and more! The job fair will take place on Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Complex.
To register as a youth attending the event, you may reserve a spot by filling out the form below. If you want to register as an employment partner, resource partner, or volunteer for the job fair, you may fill out the form below.
Youth Registration
Volunteer Signup
Registration as an Employment Partner
Registration as a Resource Partner
City of Boston Youth Summer Jobs Program Accepting Applications.
Applications are open for the City of Boston’s SuccessLink Youth Summer Jobs program. The program connects Boston youth ages 14-18 to various job opportunities at nonprofits, community-based organizations, and City agencies citywide.
To apply, young people should:
-View the job listings
-Apply directly to the jobs you are interested in!
For more information please visit

The link to the application is
The PIC targets students in their Junior or Senior year and students must be 16 years. Sophomores who are 16 and older and have had previous employment are also encouraged to apply.
Students will need a completed resume and should connect with their Career Specialist for any support There are two deadlines for applications based on when the companies begin their interview processes.
March 31st for the following companies—All hospitals, State Street, John Hancock and some tech companies
April 21st for the following sectors—Architecture, Real Estate, some tech companies
After April 21st, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. There will be some opportunities that come after April 21st but we are encouraging students to complete the application as soon as possible. Here is a flyer that outlines the process.