Title or Score=0 Some text in this Box for score 1. Use find and replace to replace this text with the rubric text. If necessary, change font-size to something smaller to fit all text when you preview it. If that still does not work, change the place where height is 75 percent to make the height larger.
Title or Score=1 Some text in this Box for score 1. Use find and replace to replace this text with the rubric text. If necessary, change font-size to something smaller to fit all text when you preview it.
Title or Score=2 Some text in this Box for score 1. Use find and replace to replace this text with the rubric text. If necessary, change font-size to something smaller to fit all text when you preview it.
Title or Score=3 Some text in this Box for score 1. Use find and replace to replace this text with the rubric text. If necessary, change font-size to something smaller to fit all text when you preview it.