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Union Capital Boston’s Spring Resource Fair!
May 6, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

UCB is hosting an In-Person Resource Fair at the Bolling Building in Nubian Square sponsored by Comcast Internet Essentials and Tufts Health Plan on Saturday, May 6, from 10am-12pm. We would love to have you join us!
Do you want to present and share about your organization’s programs, resources, and opportunities?
Our Resource Fairs are a wonderful event to join to convene, connect, and share with hundreds of engaged and resourceful Bostonians! We expect 200+ UCB Members to join and participate.
Fill out this form to request a resource table. A table and chair will be provided for you to share your resources. We reserve spots on a first-come first-serve basis. SPOTS FILL UP FAST!
In order to get more rewards and resources to our members we ask each Tabling Organization to provide a Raffle Item of $25 or greater value for our Member Raffle. It can be a gift card to a store/restaurant, or a new item/product for any age. We will raffle off all the items at the end of the Fair at 11:55am.
Please commit to bringing a Raffle item of $25 value or greater in this form and tell us what it is if you already know. PLEASE BRING the item with you on May 6 (no need to mail in advance). There are no other costs for attending our Fair.
Can’t join us on May 6? That’s okay! Here are 3 other ways to share your resources and events with our UCB Member Network:
- Host a Table Talk at one of our weekly in-person or virtual Network Nights. More info and sign-up form at: bit.ly/UCBTTsignup
- Submit an event for us to post and share in the UCB App: https://www.
unioncapitalboston.org/submit- an-event-1 - Discuss partnership possibilities with UCB by filing out this interest form and we will follow-up with you: https://docs.google.com/
forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_M- SIyN0OxIjSMDXGzbA74rpWAKPQDyYK zB5b6_aL-oUPTA/viewform