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2024-2025 Massachusetts Farm to School Institute Applications Now Open

March 28, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


What is the Institute? 
The Massachusetts Farm to School Institute is a year-long professional learning opportunity for a select number of school or school district teams from across Massachusetts.
When does the Institute happen?
The Institute program takes place over the course of a school year, starting with a 2-day fall kickoff event where teams have the opportunity to work with an experienced coach to develop a collective vision and a comprehensive school-wide Farm to School Action Plan that includes curriculum, local procurement, utilizing outdoor learning spaces, and cultivating family and community connections. This year the kickoff will take place on Thursday, September 26th & Friday, September 27th at Wright-Locke Farm in Winchester, MA.
Why Should I Apply?
Whatever role you play in a school or district, and whether you’re a long-time farm to school practitioner or just beginning to integrate food, farm, and nutrition programming, you’re invited to form a team and apply. The benefits of participation include:
  • Farm to School Program Development
  • Experienced School-Year Coaching from the Mass Farm to School network
  • Networking
  • Teacher & Nutrition Staff Professional Development

Please visit our website for information about the Institute, including application instructions and selection criteria. Spaces are limited, please submit an application by April 12, 2024.

Questions? Please contact dinah@massfarmtoschool.org or join one of our Q&A Sessions:

The 2024-2025 Mass. Farm To School Institute is presented with generous support from the Henry P. Kendall Foundation.



March 28, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm